New Year’s resolutions. Have you ever made one? Have you ever broken one? Most of us have made and broken lots of New Year’s resolutions. In fact, they can be a serious source of stress, pressure, and sadness for people. Instead of making plans and failing this year, follow these tips to make resolutions you can keep.
Consider Making 2-Month Resolutions
Instead of making grand, 12-month resolutions, consider making 2-month plans six times per year. Psychologically, this can change things for you. People often miss hitting their goals because, in the back of their mind, they keep thinking they have “a whole year” to accomplish them. But if you only have two months, it keeps the resolution in the front of your mind and creates an urgency to complete it. Break up any yearly plans you have into 2-month mini-resolutions and watch how much further you’ve gone by the end of the year.
Use a Planner
Using a planner makes everything easier to accomplish. When you have a goal but no way to monitor your progress or what you should be doing daily, it’s easier for the plan to remain a nebulous thing in your mind. Start by making six 2-month goals as described in the last section, then figure out what you’ll need to do each week to hit those goals and write them down in your planner. You can then further divide each weekly task into daily ones as needed.
Learn more ways that planners can decrease stress here: “Use a Planner to Decrease Stress.”
Line up Some Support
Everything’s easier with cheerleaders in your corner, so tell someone your goals and ask them to support you. This might be a family member, friend, someone with similar goals, or even a social media group.
With some restructuring, planning, and a supportive framework, you’ll be amazed how your New Year’s resolutions are easier to keep.